Star Hotels in kumbakonam | Navagraha temples stay | Family Hotels

Terms & Conditions

Rules and Regulations

  1. Right of admission is reserved by the Management and is at sole discretion of the management. We reserve our right to deny accommodation or to insist to vacate our premises without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
  2. The guest must produce any one of the following ID Proofs:

    I) Aadhar
    II) Voter ID
    III) Driving License
    IV) Passport (with visa, as the case may be) ID Proofs, other than those mentioned above, will not be accepted as valid one.

  3. a) The guests are advised to take care of their valuables and belongings at their own risk and the management will in no way be responsible for the safety of the same. If you wish, you can utilise Safety Lockers available with the Reception Help Desk.
    b) When you use Safety Lockers, at the time of check-out, please ensure and satisfy yourself that you have taken back all your belongings and our management will not be responsible for any claims regarding usage of safety lockers or any left overs in them.
    c) When you utilize Safety Locker, please allow us extra time at the time of check-out to complete the formalities in returning the Safety Lockers.
    d) You are expected to keep safe custody of Safety Locker Key and in case of loss or damage to Key, we are entitled to reimburse from you, the expenses incurred in connection with cost and installation of new locks.
  4. In case, if the room keys are lost by you, you will be charged the cost of new lock and key along with the fixation charges. The cost of the same is Rs.2000, subject to variations if any.
  5. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the hotel. Separate smoking area is allocated. For details, please contact front office
  6. Pet animals are not allowed.
  7. Our Management reserves the right to visit your room any time to inspect the number of persons or the identity of persons stayed in the room and if any extra person/s is/are found to be staying other than those that are reported at the time of checkin, it is our prerogative either to charge for the extra person or to request for the vacation of room by extra person/s or those person/s whose identity is found to be different from the government approved ID cards presented at the time of check in.
  8. We kindly request you to cooperate with the management if any security check is needed for your belongings either by our Security Personnel or by Government Authorities
  9. In case of any unforeseen complaints regarding the amenities like air-conditioning or hot water facility, the reception help desk will immediately try to fix the above within three business hours from the time of your complaint or they will provide you with alternate room and in that case, we kindly request you to cooperate with us. Please note that no claim of discount will be entertained for the above.
  10. Our management will not be responsible for any loss or damage to your electronic gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, cameras etc., due to the fluctuations of voltage or vagaries in power supply as well as for any events of force majeur.
  11. During your stay if any damage is caused to any of the amenities provided to you in your room, we are entitled to claim full recovery of the same from you.
  12. a) Our House-keeping Department will take due care and diligence while cleaning your rooms and despite that if any loss or damage is caused to your belongings, our management will not be responsible for the same.
    b) You are requested to keep all your valuables always under your lock and safety before handing over your room to House-keeping Department and our Management will not be responsible for any of your claims regarding loss of your belongings.
  13. Your Vehicles are parked at your own risk only and the management will not be responsible for any type of your complaints. However, we will take all the care for the safety and security of your vehicles.
  14. Valet parking, if opted, will be at your sole risk and we will not be responsible for any of your complaints.
  15. a) Please be informed that we don’t have any restaurants under our Management. Your food orders are outsourced and served from restaurants either as per your choice or as per our suggestions or from Rice N Spice, Vegetarian restaurant situated in our premises. Hence, all your claims regarding your food orders will lie only with the restaurant from where the food is served. Food services from outside restaurants will only be serviced, subject to availability of staff then.
    b) Please don’t pay cash to our Stewards or to any of our Staffs for any of our Restaurant Services as the same is added in your Room Bill.
    c) Your food orders once placed cannot be cancelled or modified for reasons whatsoever it can be and hence, any cancelled food orders will be charged. We kindly request you to allow us a minimum of 30 minutes to serve your orders.
  16. When you intend to use laundry service, please ensure with Reception Desk whether you will get back your clothes before your check-out time. We are out-sourcing the services of laundry and hence, any claims regarding your availing of laundry service will be with Laundry Company, from whom the services are availed.
  17. Our cab services are outsourced and billed direct to them. Hence any claim against cab service will lie with third party from whom concerned services are provided.
  18. At the time of checkout, please take care to see that you have not left behind any of your belongings with us. Our staff will certainly help you with your checkout and no claim for your left-over will be entertained after your checkout.
  19. We are not liable to remind your checkout time. If any grace time is needed, permission for the same, has to be obtained from the reception desk. Please note that grace time will not be allowed beyond an hour irrespective of your number of days stayed and it is at the sole discretion of the management.
  20. All of your transactions and disputes will be subject to Kumbakonam Court’s jurisdiction only It is our humble request to all of our valuable guests to kindly adhere to the above and it will be our endeavour to see that your stay with us is made as memorable one. You may leave your valuable feedback and suggestions in Visitors’ Note maintained by the Reception Desk, to help us to serve you better.

We welcome you to our Temple City again.

BranchesContact LandlineMobile
Hotel Raya's0435-242317098429-23170
Hotel Raya's Annexe 10435-242327073730-23171
Raya's Grand0435-242661273730-23170
Raya's Executive Homes0435-242040273730-20402
Raya's Inn0435-242223798426 23174
Raya Raj Anugraha0435-242340798424 23179